The Middlesex Youth Development Career students attend an award ceremony with past students of the program.
Youth Development Career Services Seeks Area Youth
CROMWELL - The Middlesex Youth Development Career Services program announced that it is seeking out-of-school area youth aged 16 to 24 for a program that provides job training, paid internships and certificate programs for young people. The program is funded by the Community Renewal Team and supports youth in the process of joining the workforce.

       â€"There is tremendous need for this program as it helps prevent out-of-school youth from slipping through the cracks and allows them to attend training which gets them into the workforce,” said Julie Sapia-Bryant, program manager for the Middlesex Youth Development Career Services.

       To participate youth must not be enrolled in school for over a year, must meet age and income eligibility requirements and must reside in Middlesex County or Meriden. Students work with a program coordinator to set specific employment and/or education goals while in the program. Students of the program are placed into employment after completion of the certificate program and are exited from the program. They will continue to receive follow-up for a full year after they complete the program.

       â€"We are excited to begin searching for our second rotation of students to join this valuable program which allows them to be successful in whatever field they choose to pursue,” said Sapia-Bryant.

       Enrollment in the program serves 20 Workforce Investment Act participants and the program occurs on a rolling basis since not all youth will receive technical training at a community college. Assessments are part of the selective process and they are critical to match individualized service plans with individual needs. A test in reading and mathematics is administered as a pre-test and post-test for those students who did not pass the first time.

       To learn more about the program contact Julie Sapia-Bryant at 860-347-6924 ext. 248 or by email at .